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E1-E8. Multiplier events

8 Multipliers events (national dissemination seminars in all partner countries).


Each partner institution organised and implemented one-day national dissemination seminar addressed to stakeholders and target groups members in their countries.

The seminar gathered minimum 35 participants.

The purpose of this national dissemination seminar is to inform participants about the project’s objectives and outputs and to emphasize on their need and importance within the national context and realities.

Bellow are the reports on the implmentation of these 8 multiplier events.


E1. national dissemination seminar in Romania - National Report - GIE-RO

E2. national dissemination seminar in Cyprus - National Report - CARDET-CY

E3. national dissemination seminar in Spain - National Report - FUERM-ES

E4. national dissemination seminar in Ireland - National Report - LMETB-IE

E5. national dissemination seminar in Italy - National Report - STAFF - IT

E6. national dissemination seminar in Portugal - National Report - ANJAF-PT

E7. national dissemination seminar in Turkey - National Report - CIMEM-TR

E8. national dissemination seminar in United Kingdom - National Report -Coleg Cambria-UK






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